Friday, August 17, 2012

Peanut Butter Cupcake Brownies

This Pinterest pin was my favorite treat this week. Peanut Butter Cupcake Brownies! Yummy!
I did cheat a little bit on this pin, rather than follow the recipe, I bought a box mix of brownies. And instead of using peanut butter chips, I used Reese's Pieces. They were still magnificent, and super easy!
I also used both a mini cupcake pan and a square bit size silicone baking pan. The silicone pan is much easier to get the brownies out of and keep them more intact then the mini cupcake pan, despite my effort to spray the pan with a healthy amount of Pam. 

Here is my version of the recipe:
1. Follow the directions on the box of brownies. :)
2. Only cook the brownies for about 9 - 11 minutes, this will make the centers fall when you take them out. If they don't fall (mine didn't) you can use the back of a spoon or I used the bottom of a children's medicine cup to push the center down. Let cool for about 5 minutes, then put them on a cooling rack.
3. Melt 3/4 cup to 1 cup of peanut butter in the microwave for 45 sec, stir well. 
4. Add peanut butter to each brownie center.
5. Sprinkle with the topping you desire, I went with chocolate chips and Reese's Pieces. 
6. THEN ENJOY!!!!!!!!

This pin was definitely a success and will be one of my all time favorite desserts. 

1 comment:

  1. Totally a success!! Mom's will win over many a heart with these scrumptious treats!
